In the past semester, QED Software engaged in educational cooperation with Warsaw University of Technology. Students of the Faculty of Mathematics and Information Science, led by Michał Okulewicz and Marcin Luckner, had the opportunity to test their engineering and business skills in solving real-life problems that required Machine Learning solutions.
Mentors from QED Software took part in the course, which aimed at familiarizing students with the process of product development, starting from an idea, and ending with a working prototype and a short business-oriented presentation. Students divided into several groups had to go through the whole process with only a slight mentor’s supervision. The goal of the course is to provide students with hands-on experience that in the future may help them develop their start-ups and business ventures.
The representatives of QED Software provided insight related to satellite image processing, presented available image sources and possible use-cases, and also provided software tools that could be used for the convenient acquisition of images from ESA satellites. We were happy to hear that three groups of students decided to focus their projects around the ideas of satellite image processing.
At the end of the semester, the business ideas and prototypes were presented. Mentioned groups came up with very interesting topics regarding swimming pool localization, real-estate value estimation, and crop field type detection. All groups used solutions based on machine learning methods and showed a working prototype with a credible business story. The presentations of all groups were very professional and creative. We were eager to see those ideas implemented as real-life businesses!
It was a very interesting adventure for both QED Software and students Many thanks to the organizers. We hope to repeat that next year!